Saturday, December 19, 2015

Patient Generated Care

Just as Global Care (GC) promotes a different paradigm of healthcare, so does it require a different system of patient management. GC is not only patient-centered care.... it is patient-generated care. This means that rather than viewing an acute condition as a 'disease' to get over; GC considers each challenge a teaching opportunity. And instead of  viewing your provider as the authority who tells you what to do... your physician becomes a partner in working with you to manage your circumstances and a teacher to show you how you can gradually assume management of most of your care yourself given effective tools, support, and a back up plan for safety.

Global Care creates a very different set of expectations for a patient. Rather than waiting for an illness to fully develop with clear symptoms; GC clients learn to address illness BEFORE it progresses. GC clients also learn to observe the unfolding of symptoms, reoccurring patterns of illness, and the underlying causes of disease. This highly individualized approach to illness puts the responsibility of treatment on the shoulders of the patient (or parents) to recognize the opportunity illness creates as a teaching moment. Global care clients have 24 hour access to support and education for exactly this reason. Walking through an illness with a physician trained in Naturopathic Medicine is an invaluable glimpse into a step by step process of interpreting symptoms, noting the body's response to various modalities, and responding to minute changes by altering treatment based on the condition of the body. This is essentially a practical mentorship providing a great wealth of education to patients (or their parents). GC makes this type of care possible by providing unlimited access to care at no additional charge.

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